Survey and Research Terms

Updated July 1, 2023

Tetra Insights is a software, data, and research company. We will occasionally use a process known as “cold emailing” to engage with specific individuals with whom we have not previously had contact. When doing so, we follow all required laws and regulations and are compliant with the CAN-SPAM Act.

Below are some details about our emailing policies and practices as well as answers to frequently asked questions.

Why did I receive an email from you?
There are two primary reasons you will have been emailed by us:

1) To invite you to participate in a research study (e.g. survey, interview, or focus group), or
2) Our sales and marketing team identified you as a potential prospect for our products and services based on our target customer criteria

For research purposes, our team follows the process outlined below:
1) We determine the criteria for who is a good fit for a research project. This uses criteria typically consisting of the company you work for, the industry that company is in, how many employees your company has, as well as your job role or title. We rarely use demographic or ethnographic information in our criteria.

2) Once criteria is determined, members of our team will search on publicly available records like LinkedIn or corporate websites that list employee information to find individuals who look like a good fit to participate in our research. We will never use private databases or purchase lists to find prospects for our communication. If someone’s name, company or title is not listed in a public directory, they will never receive an email from us.

3) Once we have manually identified individuals who look like good fits, we will then try to find the correct email address for that person. If we cannot find a public listing of an email address, we will use widely known corporate email conventions using your name to try to identify the correct address.

4) When an email address has been identified, we will then reach out to the contact with a research invitation along with simple opt-out instructions in case they are not interested or do not want to hear from us again.

If a member of our sales or marketing team has reached out to you, a similar process to what was mentioned above will have been followed. Every email is sent individually through our Google Apps email account and is personalized with your name, company, and other specific information. No emails are sent through email marketing services, though tools to manage sending to large groups in a personalized way may be used from time to time. Though these sales emails are sent in large groups, each prospect is identified individually and reached out to with a custom-crafted message.

Why did you think it was appropriate to email me?
We know that not all recipients of our emails are happy to see the unknown name of one of our employees in your inbox. We sincerely apologize when we are unwelcome or bothersome in our communication. In order to complete our research projects as well as grow our business, it is occasionally necessary to send messages in the fashion described above.

We try to take every measure possible to be earnest, honest, and forthright in our communication. We also try to make it as easy as possible to opt-out or unsubscribe from our emails. In a perfect world, we would not have to email individuals with whom we do not have a pre-existing relationship. However, because it is a business necessity, we attempt to maintain the highest possible standards for respectful, ethical, and legal communication.

For sales, we consider this equivalent to a salesman knocking on a door. For research, we offer incentives to hopefully make it worth the while of our recipients should they be interested in participating. We know it is imperfect, and we strive to get better all the time and rely on this method as little as possible.

Opt-outs and Unsubscribes
To opt-out of any email received from Tetra Insights, recipients simply need to respond and ask to be removed. Many of our messages will include an “unsubscribe” link. Respondents can also request to be removed from all email lists by using the opt-out form.

We maintain a global list of unsubscribes, so no matter how someone opts-out, we make sure to respect this for any subsequent email campaigns.

Questions or Comments
We are a small business with a team dedicated to improving every day. If you have any questions or comments about our emailing policies and procedures, please feel free to contact us at any time. We take all feedback and suggestions seriously.